Enhance Coker Profitability by Conducting Periodic Audits
Historically, Pace Setter Petroleum Refineries conduct reviews/audits of their delayed coker units plus other major processing units every 3-5 years. These important surveys primarily address changes in processing feed stocks and production requirements as well as assessing application of new technologies to improve unit profitability.
- Site-specific coker unit evaluation (Cold Eye Review)
- A system called Photo-Logics to record and review the collected data.
- A written report with a firm direction towards Operator Driven Reliability (ODR)
Delayed Coker Audits result in saving
Contact Evan Hyde or Paul Orlowski at info@coking.com 360 966 7251 USA • 403 668 7467 Canada |
Facilitate advancement to “Pacesetter Performance.”
The important qualifications are:
- Analysis from an owner’s perspective, as the site evaluator formerly was with major refining companies.
- Where possible, enhance plant identified potential improvements.
- Conduct an unbiased “cold eyes” evaluation, to generate new ideas.
- This site audit requires minimal but effective effort from plant technical and operations personnel.
- Obtain agreement/commitment from key plant personnel on worthwhile improvements identified by the audit.
Technical Issues Addressed in Audits
Important areas include:
- Current and future processing objectives and potential improvement opportunities.
- Review of key operating practices and procedures.
- Reliability assessment of key equipment performance and online maintenance.
- Incidents/near misses, their causes and corrective action taken.
- Capability of safety facilities and important reminder activities.
- Operator surveillance rounds by walking the rounds with operators and witnessing shift turnover.
- Operator depth of knowledge for equipment and up-keep.
- Depth of knowledge of the Delayed Coker process.
- Safety equipment
- Auto start equipment
- Safety interlocks system (heaters, coke drum valves, un-heading)
- Fire protection
- Egress
- Housekeeping
- Procedures and on-deck witness of these tasks: top and bottom drum un-heading, coke drum, switching, and coke drum drilling
- Operations routine duties (minor preventive maintenance)
- List of bad actors (reoccurring problems)
- Preventive maintenance program with schedule, task list, and history.
- Equipment status including age and up-keep.
Audit Incentives/Expectations
Overall incentives for conducting audits are increased profitability by:
- Higher on-stream production
- Improved yields
- Enhance plant personnel knowledge and performance
- Meaningful profitability results and other benefits
- Substantial no and low cost changes
- Reasonable potential investments are identified and priorities noted
- The cost of an Audit is normally recovered in 2-3 months
Our in-depth analysis evaluates potential improvements and establishes incentives for changes. Potential improvement opportunities can then be prioritized.
Learn more about
Coking field services, consulting and training
Coker Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Best Practices for Coker Operations
Best Practices for Coker Maintenance
Best Practices for Coker Design
Coker startup and commissioning support
Troubleshooting your coker