Coker Road Show
The cost for each site will be $7,000 USD.
The price includes:
- 1 day onsite with the subject matter expert (SME) conducting a cold eye review of the unit in the field.
- 1 day onsite with the SME conducting a case study based training session for an unlimited number of plant staff.
- 1 follow-up report with a summary of observations from both the field walk and training with clear, actionable recommendations.
The benefits
- Continuous Improvement ideas result in increased reliability and availability.
Example: During a recent site assessment, a number of very specific points of improvement were raised with site management. They underwent a systematic implementation of these points over a period of 12 months. After implementation was complete, the MTBR for critical components had improved and unit availability increased by more than 5%. - Training for the staff that has demonstrated immediate benefits at other sites.
Example: During a recent onsite training, the need to switch the cutting tool manually was discussed at length. With the help of the SME, the group developed a strategy to justify the upgrade to an auto-shifting tool that was subsequently implemented. The knowledge of the upgraded tool was not new to the site. The ability to leverage industry experience was combined with the site’s experience to justify this needed improvement. The site realized the safety benefits immediately. The site was then able to reduce cutting and cycle time as a result.
Cost comparison
Off-site training:
- Travel: $400-200
- Travel expenses: $200/day, 2 day min
- Training course $750-1000/day
- Wages (travel and training time)
Total cost can be $1800/day of training per person
10 people = $18,000
Onsite training (bring SME to site):
- Travel: $400-200
- Travel expenses: $200/day, 2 day min
- Training course: $3000 prep time and $4000/day
Total cost can be $7800
Site Evaluation:
- Travel: $400-200
- Travel expenses: $200/day, 2 day min
- Daily Rate: $2000/day, 2 day min
- Documentation time: $2000/day, 2 day min
Total cost can be $8800
Increase reliability, increase throughput, improve safety…all for a bargain. What more can you ask for?