provides consulting, technical support, field services and training to refineries around the world. Our services include safe unit operation, process optimization, P&ID and HAZOP review, preventive maintenance programs, start-up & commissioning, turnaround support, design, troubleshooting, and best practices.
To increase production and improve reliability while minimizing risk, contact us.
Delayed Coker Consulting
- Site Audits – Quick Hits to Make Your Unit Better
- Best Practices for
- Training for
- Industry lessons learned packages
- Cold eyes review of equipment, projects, procedures, and operations
- Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and HAZOP Subject Matter Experts
- Startup and Commissioning support
- Turnaround support
- Troubleshooting
- Incident investigation Subject Matter Experts
- DCU Normal Operations – Cycle Time Optimization, DCU Heater Proactive Process Monitoring
- DCU Troubleshooting
- Feed Preheat
- Fractionator Bottoms
- Heaters
- Coke Drums
- Fractionator
- Fractionator Overhead
- Gas Plant
- Blowdown
- Vapor Recovery
- Coke Drum Process Safety and Facilities
- Coke Cutting & Handling
- DCU Projects – New Grass Roots and unit Revamps. DCU Advisers and Technologists can help with all areas of the Delayed Coker Project from Basic Design and as the Project passes through all phases – for example Licensor selection, PHA, FAT’s and SAT’s.
- DCU Start Up
- Grass Roots Units in Refineries and Upgraders
- Normal DCU Start Up following T/A
- DCU Start Up following Abnormal Shutdowns.
- DCU Development of Methodologies and Procedures for Evaluating, Cooling, Opening, and Decoking Abnormal Coke Drums
- DCU Shutdown and Decontamination – Procedure Authoring and MOC’s, Reviews, and Process/ Ops Support during Shutdown
- DCU Turnaround
- Scope Reviews
- Planning
- Industry Recommendations for T/A Scope
- MOC’s
- DCU Turnaround Process and Operations Vessel and Column Inspections: to determine required additional cleaning and repairs
- Process Safety – Participation
- PHA’s
- MOC’s
- Project Model Bowties
- Pre-Start Up Safety Review
- Process/Ops Review at each Project Step
- Recommendation of modern Safety facilities
- Heater Anti-coking studies
- Sludge injection
- DCU alternate Feeds and Feed Mix Pilot Unit Studies
- Biomass processing in Delayed Coking
- DCU Training
- Delayed Coking
- Thermal Cracking and Operations
- Regional group classes and customized for onsite
- Emergency Response Training for Process Engineers and Operators based on real Industry incidents from the CSB database – In order to Improve Operator Identification and Response to Abnormal Situations and Upsets
- In Class Team Building activities for this training
- DCU Training Documentation – Assist Sites in the generation of revised DCU Operations Manuals
- DCU Training – Assist Operating Companies with the Generation and Authorship of DCU Process Guide
- PSM OSHA 1910 Required Red Tag Drill – Development for Locations
- PSM OSHA 1910 Required Procedures – Reviews and Assistance with Authoring and Training
- DCU RCM – Rounds Development – outside Readings, PM’s, etc
- DCU Corrosion – Author Process portion of site specific DCU Corrosion Control Document
- DCU – Proactive Unit Monitoring – for unit Optimization, Reliability, and Reduction in Major Incidents
- DCU – Operator Protection – Proper Site Safety facilities following the 2005 Texas City Incident – What’s really needed for the Coker?
- Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) Turnaround: Scope Reviews, Planning, Industry Recommendations for T/A Scope, MOC’s
- CDU Turnaround Process and Operations Vessel and Column Inspections: to determine required additional cleaning and repairs
- CDU Process Safety
- Participation in
- PHA’s
- MOC’s
- Project Model Bowties
- Pre-Start Up Safety Review
- Process/Ops Review at each Project Step, recommendation of modern Safety facilities
- Distillation and Desalter Training
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