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Shorter Pigging Durations at a Texas Refinery – D.D. Technology, Inc.

Pigging Tools courtesy of DDTD.D. Technology, Inc. is a global leader in the mechanical pigging of fired heater lines proven after the successful completion of many pigging projects in over 52 countries. Recently, DDT successfully completed work at a major refinery in Texas. Over the years, this facility has used multiple companies (competitors) to pigg their delayed coker heaters. Because of unsatisfactory past performance by the other companies and positive recommendations from affiliated facilities, DDT was invited to pigg the heaters.courtesy of DDT

Once pigging was completed and start up temperatures were reviewed, it was determined that DDT had cleaned the heaters better that past competitors, saving approximately 40% in downtime from shorter pigging durations. There are three primary contributors to this success:

  1. The patented process of using interchangeable cleaning appendages which have varying forms of aggression.
  2. Utilizing the patented bidirectional pigging method to isolate the areas of contamination instead of running the pigg from from end to end of the pigging pass.
  3. The DDT patented 4 PAss Pumping Unit which minimizes the downtime of the delayed coker as well as the real estate usage and congestion around the heater allowing for other work to be completed.

DDT is now the preferred vendor for that facility.

Pigging Tools courtesy of DDTD.D. Technologies, Inc. will be exhibiting at RefComm® Galveston 2018. They will have their patented cleaning tools (piggs) at the exhibition to demonstrate the superiority of piggs with interchangeable and adjustable appendages as well as a video showing the pigging process. Attending RefComm will be the company’s President, Vice President and two Managers who bring over 100 years of experience and industry expertise.

They look forward to making connections with refinery representatives as well as looking at other suppliers’ products that may be beneficial to their company.

Need to reach DDT before RefComm? Contact Christine McBain, email:

D.D. Technology

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Posted by: Becky Peterson

Becky is the Content Lead and Program Manager for CRU / RefComm Events.
